By: Makenzie Morales, Graduate Assistant

This week, Women*s Student Services encourages you to reflect on the fight for freedom and liberation led by Black folks in the United States. This is a time to not only remember this fight, but to remember that the fight continues today. Amplify the voice of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other Black folks. For our non-Black folks reading this, remember that this is a time to center these individuals, and use your power and privileges to amplify these stories. Please look at the resources linked to find ways to get involved at MSU and educate yourself on some important events throughout the Civil Rights Movement. This list is certainly not exhaustive, and Women*s Student Services encourages you to continue educating yourself on this matter beyond what is listed here. We acknowledge that racial tensions in the United States have traumatic effects on Black communities. We stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. At the bottom of the list, one can find a link to mental health support and resources on campus.
Interested in sharing your own "Thought Of The Day" or TOTD? Email us at