By: W*SS

This Wednesday, April 22 we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. Every year, Earth Day brings together people from across the world in solidarity, protest, and community to discuss the many ways we can work collectively for a more sustainable and socially just world.
In light of this week's recognition of Earth Day, our WSS Zine Thought Of The Day (TOTD) is dedicated to the links between global environmental degradation and the treatment of women,, highlighted through the theory of Ecofeminism. We will also provide some opportunities (at the end) for online engagement in virtual Earth Day celebrations.
Ecofeminism is a feminist philosophy with roots tracing back to the 1970s that links the subordination and oppression of women to the unjustified domination of the natural world. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Feminist Environmental Philosophy, In the 1980s, women's activism in a variety of movements, including environmental justice, became the basis of an ecofeminist political stance. Later in the 1990s, by unequivocally stating that all living things have worth and value, Ecofeminists fostered a grassroots movement to dismantle systems of oppression by making the explicit connection that "nature is a feminist issue." Today, ecofeminism is directly tied to Earth Day.
This year's Earth Day celebrations were to be momentous and joyous with President Stanley's investiture the next day. These celebrations have been obviously significantly curtailed -- but, that doesn't mean that there is nothing you can do. The website at contains links to online events all over the planet--many of which are free and open to anyone. From teach-ins, to film screenings, to concerts, to online activism, there's something for everyone. Stop by our WSS Zoom Office Hours on Wednesday for an eco-friendly craft project (see details below!)
Interested in sharing your own "Thought Of The Day" or TOTD? Email us at