By: W*SS

The semester has really picked up for a lot of us. Whether you are crushing your midterms this week, have a big deadline for a paper, or a big project at work — we are all super busy. Luckily, Spring Break is next week! Some us are heading to a beach, others may be heading to their parents’ couch, serving on an Alternative Spartan Break, or some of us may be heading to a conference. Regardless of what your plans are for break, make sure you’re taking some time for yourself.
A few weeks ago in a TOTD we discussed self care as a political act. Self care during the school year can mean taking a day off if you’re feeling sick, which can feel like you’re missing everything. Spring Break allows us a chance to breathe and take that break we need. We aren’t missing class, so there shouldn’t be that guilt component to taking care of yourself.
Novelist Anne Lamott once said that “almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” Social media plays a big part of creating a need to have a perfect spring break. If you aren’t heading out of town for break, it might be hard seeing everyone on your Instagram feed soaking up the sun. Unplugging and taking a break from social media will allow you to be present in the moment, and provide space to relax wherever you are and whatever you are doing over break.
How will you unplug this break? Will you get some extra sleep, watch that movie you’ve been meaning to see, or go on vacation? Whatever you end up doing next week, make sure you take a moment, no matter how short/long, and unplug to recenter yourself.
*The staff of Women*s Student Services will be heading to a conference during break, so there won’t be a Zine next week. See you on 3/10!
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