By: W*SS

This Friday, February 7, we are holding the second (!) CGEG Summit (CGEG stands for COALITION of Gender Equity Groups). Established last year by the Women's Council, this year's CGEG Summit will once again bring together student leaders of various organizations across campus who share a common purpose -- Gender Equity at MSU. This year, we have eight groups already signed up to participate. But, WHAT is a coalition and WHY might one benefit MSU? A coalition, according to various definitions, is an alliance for combined action. The individual members or groups retain their individuality, but find ways to work together for change. WHY do we need CGEG? Each of our offices, departments, student organizations and groups are vitally important ... and yet, there are SO many different groups on campus! This is exciting as our missions are both unique and overlapping. Rather than seeing these overlaps as threats, we want to foster these connections and look at them as opportunities to collaborate for common purposes. As we in Women*s Student Services reflect upon our goal to build connections and coalitions with other departments across campus (e.g. LBGTRC, GenCen, POE, etc.), we are also working to support the building of connection and coalition between student organizations.
And so, we invite representatives of gender equity groups to join the CGEG Summit this Friday, from 12-2pm in 150 Student Services.

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