By: W*SS

Today we googled "Feminism and Voting" to see what resources might provide food for our thought of the day. We happened across this article from 1984 in response to lack of ratification of the ERA... a time in our nation's history eerily reminiscent of our current circumstance.
You might be wondering, how the ERA, or Equal Rights Amendment, is still relevant in 2020? For those who want a primer of why, here's Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg describing its importance. Katszenstein writes, "Since the ERA's defeat, feminists have turned from the strategy of mobilization to the politics of representation... with the fate of the ERA, feminism could no longer afford to be casual about electoral politics" (p. 5). Interestingly, this year--2020--began with Virginia becoming the 38th state to ratify the ERA , whose original clock expired in 1982. Clearly, who you vote for matters and we can no longer afford to be casual about politics. This brings us to our TOTD: VOICE = VOTE. For those able to cast a vote, we urge you to get to the polls today. The Michigan Primary Election provides another opportunity for voters in Michigan to use their voices. Your vote is a voice for equality and inclusion--despite lack of historic representation. Find your polling place here. For those unable to cast a vote here (due to voter registration or citizenship), your voice is still needed. Please use today as an opportunity to have conversations as you are able.
Katzenstein, M. F. (1984). Feminism and the meaning of the vote. Signs, 10(1), 4.

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