By: Makenzie Morales, Graduate Assistant

Pride Month is now upon us, and we in Women*s Student Services are gearing up for a celebration. Personally, this will be my first Pride Month "out.” Up until about a year ago, I had been celebrating “in the closet,” as an ally. Everyone comes out on their own time, and my journey is unique and special to me. Whether you’re a newbie baby queer (like me), have been proudly “out” for years, are exploring your sexual identity, or have yet to come out; you are seen, valued, and your queerness is valid. This month is for uplifting one another and providing a strong community of support.
This Pride Month, Women*s Student Services is preparing for the Unconditional Love Fund 5K, which is in partnership with our friends at the Gender and Sexuality Center, Rec Sports, the University Activities Board, and the Division of Student Life & Engagement.. The Unconditional Love Fund 5K is a 5K run, walk, stroll, or roll on June 18th to raise funds for the GSCC’s Unconditional Love Fund. The Unconditional Love Fund provides Michigan State students with assistance with unexpected financial hardship associated with their sexual and/or gender identity. For more information about the Unconditional Love Fund or how to apply for the fund, visit the GSCC’s website.
While Pride Month is a time of celebration, we cannot forget the first Pride was a riot. The Stonewall Riots occurred on June 28th, 1969 after the police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in New York City. These raids sparked a riot as police violently threw employees and patrons out of the bar, leading to six days of protests and violent uproars with law enforcement ( Editors, 2017). The Stonewall Riots were an important catalyst for the Gay Rights Movement. During Pride Month, it is common to see companies create rainbow-themed attire and declare their devotion to the LGBTQ movement without paying tribute to the history of Pride or the leaders of the movement. We must not forget who led these movements: trans women of color and Black lesbian women. This month, I encourage you to read about these pivotal figures, including folks like Marsha “Pay It No Mind” Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, Stormé DeLarverie, and more. Some other ways to celebrate Pride Month include: volunteering with local LGBTQ+ organizations, donating (if you can) to organizations or directly to individuals, donating to the GSCC’s Love Fund, attending a Pride parade or an event, supporting LGBTQ+ companies in your community, and continuing to educate yourself. Happy Pride!
Sources: Editors. (2017, May 3). Stonewall Riots. A & E Television Networks.
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