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A Message to the Spartan Community

Writer's picture: Makenzie MoralesMakenzie Morales

By: Makenzie Morales, W*SS Graduate Assistant

Picture credit to the MSU Department of African American & African Studies

To our beloved Spartan community,

There are no perfect words to say to all of you. As we all continue to sit in the wake of tragedy, all of us at Women*s Student Services want to extend our deepest love, care, and support to you all. We all grieve differently, and whatever that looks like for you, please know we are all here for each of you.

To be vulnerable with all of you, finding something to believe in is difficult right now. Throughout every tragedy I have faced in my life, and every tragedy our communities continue to face collectively, the one thing I continue to believe in is the power of community. We need community. We need connection. We need one another, especially right now. Continue checking in on one another. Demonstrate compassion and grace, with yourself and with others.Spartans, I have been a part of the MSU community for almost two years now. Time after time, I am amazed by the way you all show up for one another, never negating love or kindness. YOU ALL are what truly makes this university a home. In Women*s Student Services, we find ourselves coming back to bell hook’s quote from her 1999 classic All About Love: New Visions, she writes, “Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.”

If you find yourself in need of some community, feel free to stop in the W*SS office Monday 9am-5pm, Tuesday 9am-4pm, Wednesday 9am-5pm, Thursday 3pm-5pm, and Friday 9am-3pm for movies, snacks, games, coloring pages, coffee, and tea. Additionally, Lucy, our director’s golden retriever, will be a special visitor to provide emotional support. Please feel free to come in and use our space to relax and find support. See the graphic below for more details.

As a reminder, MSU has communicated various resources and a more extensive list can be found on the CAPS website.

With love,

Makenzie J. Morales

W*SS Graduate Assistant

hooks, bell. (1999, December 22). All about love: new visions. New York: William Morrow.



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