By: Maren Nicolaysen, Community Engagement Intern & Jordyn Bradley, Social Media Intern
Trigger Warning: The terms Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence are used. (Just the terms, no details).
This week is It’s On Us Spring 2024 Week of Action. Each semester, It’s On Us highlights the work being done in our MSU community to support survivors and prevent sexual harassment and assault. These events are inclusive, welcoming all students, staff, and faculty to participate in programming reaffirming our commitment to combating campus sexual assault.
It’s On Us is part of a national movement, founded in September 2014 as an Obama-Biden Administration initiative. The program follows recommendations of the White House Task Force to Prevent Sexual Assault that noted the importance of calling everyone into the conversation on sexual assault prevention. Since 2014, It’s On Us has grown into the United State’s largest nonprofit program dedicated to college sexual assault prevention and survivor support. It has engaged students on hundreds of campuses in dozens of education and awareness programs. (It’s On Us, 2024).
This campaign holds a special place in our hearts. I, Jordyn, have had the privilege of being a part of the It’s On Us planning committee. I was inspired to take part this year because, I have dedicated over two years to working on preventative measures against sexual assault and relationship violence.This work is crucial, particularly on college campuses where many students arrive unaware of essential information due to the often overlooked topic in high school education. It's a topic that warrants much-needed attention, which is why I dedicate my semesters to being a peer educator. Through hosting workshops, I engage students in conversations about education and prevention initiatives concerning sexual assault, harassment, and more.
Both of us are also apart of Women*s Council, an organization where we have steadfastly part of this movement for years, recognizing that sexual and relationship violence is not just a one and done crime, but a deeper societal issue that requires feminist advocacy. It is a manifestation of broader power imbalances and systemic injustices. It disproportionately affects women, non-binary individuals, and other marginalized groups, reflecting and perpetuating deeply ingrained structures of gender inequality.
In the past, Women*s Council has organized events like Take Back The Night, an annual gathering during the It’s On Us national campaign focused on ending sexual and relationship violence through awareness-raising activities and supporting survivors. Despite the unfortunate inability to host Take Back The Night this time, our presence and commitment within the It’s On Us movement remains strong. We continue to advocate for not only prevention and education, but also support for survivors.
This year, the MSU It’s On Us Spring 2024 Week of Action is brought to you by a collection of amazing organizations: the It’s On Us Planning Committee is made up of representatives from MSU POE, RHA, ASMSU, Center for Survivors, MSU Safe Place, MSU Women*s Council, MSU DPPS, and EVE. Make sure to connect with and follow all of these organizations for programming this week and beyond.
Each day, there will be an event open to all to learn more about the It’s On Us campaign and resources from the organizations that worked to make this event possible. Here is a detailed list of events:
Monday, April 8th
Kickoff Café, 10am-1pm, outside Olds Hall
Pick up a free It’s On Us mug to fill with coffee, tea, or hot chocolate while learning about the events lined up for the week.
Tuesday, April 9th
Tie-Dye Totes, 12:30-3:30pm, Wells Hall People’s Park
Participants can tie-dye a free custom It’s On Us tote bag teal and purple, representing sexual assault and domestic violence awareness.
Guest Speaker Kimberly Corban, 6-7pm, McDonel Kiva (open to all)
Hear Kimberly Corbin’s empowering story of her survivor journey and the impact of supporting survivors and activism.
Wednesday, April 10th
Spartans Start by Believing, 11am-2pm, Brody Square
Participants can join the movement to pledge to start by believing when someone shares that they were abused or sexually assaulted and to support survivors on the road to justice and healing.
Participants who sign the pledge will receive a bee magnet, while supplies last.
Self-Care Journal Decorating, 2-4pm, International Center, north entrance
Participants can decorate a free journal with stickers from “Reject Violence, Change Culture” and other fun scrapbooking supplies promoting consent culture.
Thursday, April 11th
Flower pot decorating, 9am-12pm, Wells Hall People’s Park
POE Peer educators plant seeds of change across our campus. Meet some of our team, decorate a pot, and choose a seed to plant.
Bonus Event: Student Activism Symposium featuring a keynote by Dr. Keith Edwards, author of Unmasking: Toward Authentic Masculinity, 6-9pm, Wells Hall
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) department of Residence Education and Housing Services (REHS) invites you to the Student Activism Symposium, featuring a keynote speaker and sessions on various topics surrounding masculinity led by a mix of students and staff.
Some of the current partners involved in the symposium include Women*s Student Services (W*SS), Gender & Sexuality Campus Center (GSCC), & the Office of Cultural and Academic Transitions (OCAT).
Friday, April 12th
Wrap-up: Pizza and Resources, noon-1pm, Outside Olds Hall
Stop by to grab any remaining supplies and a slice of pizza with the It’s On Us planning committee campus partners
We are looking forward to seeing you at these events! Don’t forget to tag the organizations and use the hashtags if you post or share on social media: #itsonus #itsonusmsu #WeekofActionSpring2024
It’s On Us. (2024). Our Story. Retrieved from