By: Heather Shea, Director

Happy New Year, everyone!
We hope that this WSS Weekly Zine finds everyone enjoying a quiet start to the spring semester at MSU. While we are remote for the first several weeks, we do have some exciting news to share.
The office of Women*s Student Services is excited to share that Gabby Wahla has returned to serve as the office’s assistant director. Gabby’s first day was Monday, January 4, 2022. In her role, Gabby will work closely with planning student programming, advising student organizations, and also collaborating across campus with the aim of advancing gender equity.
For those of you who don’t already know her, Gabby is a Spartan double-grad, having graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the Residential College in the Arts & Humanities in 2017, and then a Master of Arts from the Student Affairs Administration program in 2021. Gabby’s love for higher education began in her role as an MSU College Adviser in Galesburg, Michigan, where she worked with students on educational equity. Gabby then went on to be the Graduate Assistant for Women*s Student Services during her Master’s program, and now joins W*SS as the Assistant Director. Gabby Wahla came back to MSU W*SS to work toward her passions of gender equity, social justice, and student programs and events. Please join me in welcoming Gabby back to MSU!
If you need to get in touch with either Gabby or I in the next few weeks, please visit our online booking website and schedule time.
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